Truly disappointed in each other people can truly really love each other. Because before they loved not each other but their fantasies about each other.

Such moment when you say or hear “I’m disappointed in you” can be enlightening. The facade would fade and souls can see what you both really are.

Disappointment is a door to freedom. When you get disappointed with somebody you set this person free of your expectations and demands to be perfect. Same as when someone becomes disappointed in you, ends up letting you be free in his/her eyes. You can stop pretending to be perfect.

It’s all just a mind game – a choice. You can be mad that someone didn’t live up to your expectations all you want, but it’s not person’s fault he/she wasn’t the illusion you thought it would be.

Tout est chaos
À côté
Tous mes idéaux : des mots
Je cherche une âme, qui
Pourra m’aider
Je suis d’une
Génération désenchantée,

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